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Hebden's Bridges

HB Cover 2017
Winston Plowes is the author of this unique collection.  His five poems showcase aspects of life in Hebden Bridge, Calderdale in northern UK. Under his guidance and inspired formatting suggestions, this microchap presents his poems paired with sections of a map showing the town's canals and rivers. 

The Origami Poems Project is thrilled to have been part of the Hebden Bridge's summer 2017 Arts festival. The palm-sized microchaps were made available at this multi-faceted gathering during the event from 23rd June to 2nd July and beyond.

Teacher, compere, performer and poet, Winston Plowes spends his days fine-tuning background noise and rescuing discarded words. Furthermore, the poet lives in a floating home in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire UK!

Click on the title to download a single-page microchap and enjoy the five poem selection.
(It is formatted to print using A4 size paper.)
Visit Winston's website: www.winstonplowes.co.uk - and the Hebden's Bridges 2017 webpage:  http://hebdenbridgeartsfestival.co.uk/ for more information. 
This is his second microchap collection with the Origami Poems Project (see his OPP page).


Origami Microchap



Hebden's Bridges

HB Cover 2017

Hebden Bridge Art Festival

23 June - 2 July 2017



Dream Boy

Small Map for Dream Boy




The gagglings of children
drifted from the school
as he stood on the skinny bridge,
closed his eyes
and knitted his fingers into its wire sides.
The green wax of a laurel leaf
folded under his tongue
and his last wish spent
so the leaf might
change into a minnow
and shiver off down the slimy weir
to find new friends
in the Calder below.
Between the goose, the old tyre
and the broken dog barks from the park.

Winston Plowes © 2017


The Origami Poems Project is a non-profit which promotes poetry by
publishing free microchaps of original work.